
Pranjali Wakde

77 Posts
Why is a Small-Town Setting Perfect for Romances?

Why is a Small-Town Setting Perfect for Romances?

Romance is one of those fluid genres which you can fit in any setting – and it’d still flourish. You can put your couple in a historical setting, bowing to each other in their gowns and suits. Or you can have them bump into each other in a metropolitan city. Better yet, you can even make the romance bloom on an isolated island, or even on a cruise ship as they sail on clear waters! But one of the most commonly used, yet still underrated, happens to be a small town.   What is a Small Town Romance? Small town…
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10 Writing Contests to Participate in 2024!

10 Writing Contests to Participate in 2024!

Nothing excites a writer more than getting recognition for their poems and stories. Of course, there are ways to achieve that – a personal blog, publishing a collection, or letting your loved ones read what you write. But the best option? Entering a writing contest! A writing contest is the best way to hone your skills, find areas to improve and learn humility in case of rejection. However, there are so many writing contests out there that sifting through them can become overwhelming. That is precisely why we have curated a list of writing contests of 2024. Whether you’re just…
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Hanahaki – The Fictional Disease of Unrequited Love

Hanahaki – The Fictional Disease of Unrequited Love

Using diseases as tearjerkers of the stories is an age-old practice. Take the greyscale disease, for example, that appears in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series. It manifests itself in the form of grey, stone-like patches on the skin. When contracted by children, it leaves them disabled – but it is usually fatal for adults. Another example is the Inferno virus, which was seen in Dan Brown’s Inferno. This airborne virus, once breathed in, can render people infertile. Bertrand Zobrist created it as a way to control Earth’s population! Fiction has no scarcity of diseases –…
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The Relationship between Literature and Mythology

The Relationship between Literature and Mythology

Literature is made up of borrowed themes – you’ll find romances depicting everyday relationships to murder mysteries delving into the psyche of real-life villains. But one theme that stands out – and is loved by most – is the use of mythology. Authors, old and new, have eagerly drawn inspiration from mythology to weave their fictional worlds. For instance, Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson & the Olympians series is set against the fascinating backdrop of Greek mythology. Guess what? This is just one example in a sea of mythology-based works! When you think of how much mythology appears in literature –…
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Cancel Culture in Literature

Cancel Culture in Literature

Authors like JK Rowling, Roald Dahl, and Dr. Debra Soh come from different sides of literature. But they do have one thing in common – being the target of something called cancel culture! Dr. Debra Soh, in her book The End of Gender, made some unnecessarily condescending statements about the LGBTQ+ community. It led to people canceling her by actually attempting to discredit her professionally. As for Roald Dahl, he was canceled for the controversial content in his books, causing them to go through thorough sanitization. It is evident that cancel culture can have a lot of consequences for the…
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9 Fantasy Subgenres You Must Read!

9 Fantasy Subgenres You Must Read!

From epic magical worlds to just a splash of magic; from supernatural beings to humans having superpowers; from mythical quests to historical legends. Truly, out of all fiction genres, it is fantasy fiction that offers a variety of literary possibilities! Thankfully, the fantasy genre is further divided into subgenres to keep track of what it offers. While there are many sub-genres (more than fifteen, mind you!), most of them overlap with each other a lot. As a result, I have rounded up the popular yet still fascinating subgenres of fantasy. Interestingly, you might have already read these genres without knowing…
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The Controversial Existence of Trigger Warnings in Books

The Controversial Existence of Trigger Warnings in Books

The blurb of the book is not enough to tell readers what exactly the story will bring to you. There could be some themes that you may not like or the way the characters may talk to each other. More than just disliking it, it can stir up some ugly emotions and cause you to spiral. What was supposed to be a relaxing read can become a book of nightmares! This is exactly why books these days come with trigger warnings (TW).   What Is A Trigger Warning in Literature? To talk about trigger warnings, one must focus on triggers…
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7 Quirky Tropes Found in Romance Fiction

7 Quirky Tropes Found in Romance Fiction

Tropes are something every reader knows – they provide the structure for the book’s plot, after all! They are even more essential in romance fiction as they help the authors decide how their characters will meet and fall in love. Naturally, readers gravitate towards some tropes – think of enemies to lovers, billionaire romance, and fake dating – more than the rest. But these tropes appear in romance novels so frequently that they make the stories predictable and boring. If you think the same and are tired of reading the same romances with different characters, check out these offbeat tropes.…
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Ergodic Literature – The Most Interactive Book Genre Ever

Ergodic Literature – The Most Interactive Book Genre Ever

Any book you browse is published and consumed in a structured manner. The story is printed line to line, flowing from one page to another. And you read it the same way as well, never actively interacting with the characters. But what if you find out there exists a niche genre of literature that sheds the shackles of this exact structure? It is called ergodic fiction and it’s the coolest genre ever! Ergodic fiction is a type of literature where you must make actual, non-trivial efforts to move along the story. The word non-trivial is important here because when it…
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True Crime Novels to Read Right Now!

True Crime Novels to Read Right Now!

Reading crime fiction, suspense, and murder mysteries is undeniably thrilling. But you have to admit it doesn’t match the experience true crime offers! This non-fiction genre – where authors explore real crimes and their aftermath – is sought out even by fiction readers. Why? Not only does it cover sensational crimes, but also explores the criminal’s motives and their ultimate incarceration. These novels let you look at thrilling cases closely without even getting involved. In a way, reading true crime is cathartic. And if you want to experience that catharsis, here are some must-read true crime novels you should read…
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