
Book Review: Unspoken Desires

Author Jasmeet Walia’s book, ‘Unspoken Desires’, is a captivating collection of stories that sheds light on taboo subjects often suppressed in our evolving society. The author expertly portrays rural and suburban India, delving into the complexities of human desire and illicit affairs.

While the stories contain elements of physical intimacy, this book should not be mistaken for mere erotica. It offers a glimpse into adult-rated experiences, with hints of dark romance and clandestine meetings that leave you wanting more. The characters, particularly those from the older generation, are so well-crafted that they easily get under your skin, offering a realistic depiction of underdeveloped parts of India.

Walia also dares to tell the stories of villains who would typically be dismissed in other narratives. It is difficult not to sympathize with some of them, even as we struggle to justify their actions. In one story, ‘The Vanilla Flavour’, a husband crosses a line by sexually assaulting his wife. While we can understand his insecurities, it is impossible to condone his behavior.

The inclusion of polyamory in ‘Kumkum’ adds a fresh and unsettling element to the collection, challenging societal norms. At times, the dialogues can be awkward, requiring multiple reads to fully comprehend. The author’s choice of words during intimate scenes, such as describing body parts as ‘watermelons’ and moaning as ‘howling’, creates a sense of detachment that may not resonate with all readers.

When I reached the final story, my expectations were high for Rohit, but he disappointed me greatly by succumbing to infidelity. However, upon reflection, I realize that this was the author’s intentional message – to expose the darker side of the world and acknowledge that fixing everything is not always possible. Love cannot overcome insatiable lust, and sometimes acceptance is the only option.

B4B’s verdict: ‘Unspoken Desires’ is an enlightening read, challenging societal norms and showcasing the complexities of human desire. While not without its flaws, it is a thought-provoking anthology that forces us to confront the darker aspects of our world.

By Bhumika Rawat

B4B Ratings: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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