
How To Write Better Plots For Novels

1. Begin with a strong foundation; the proposal is the fundamental concept or the thesis of your novel. It could be an intriguing foundation for a character or a situation. A sturdy foundation is something that will entice the reader and hold their attention.

2. Sketch out your story: It is crucial to outline the primary occurrences of your story before composing. This will assist you in ensuring that your plot has a smooth flow and that you do not overlook essential details. When outlining, contemplate the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.

3. Establish believable characters: Your characters should have captivating backstories and motivations that steer their actions throughout the story. Ensure that their personalities and behaviors are coherent and interesting.

4. Include conflict: Conflict is the driving force behind the plot and creates tension. Introduce obstacles for your characters to face and challenges that build their path.

5. Introduce plot twists: Plot twists pique the reader’s interest and introduce surprises to the narrative. Confirm that they fit within the plot and do not feel contrived.

6. Allow your characters to transform: Characters should not remain stagnant throughout the narrative. Permit them to transform, learn, and mature as part of their journey.

7. Mind the pacing: Maintaining the correct pace is important to sustain the reader’s interest. There should be a balance between moments of tension and calm to retain the reader’s attention.

Remember that crafting a novel plot takes time and effort. Do not hesitate to review and revise your work until you are happy with the outcome.

By Bhumika Rawat

By Booked4Books Network